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Quebec Education System

On this page you will find:

French related info | List of schools | cégep definition | a guide to the 5 english cegeps.


Grade 1 - 12

French Is Intense!

Because of a language law in Quebec called the Bill 101, all students will receive education in FRENCH until the end of secondary school.


UNLESS: the student has Certificate of Eligibility to be educated in English


School Boards in Montreal
Classroom Furnitures

In secondary school...

DES / SSD (Secondary School Diploma)

Usually, you'll have to complete Secondary 4 and 5 in Quebec to graduate high school and go into cégep. In other words, usually, there are no new students coming in to Secondary 5. (Therefore, if you complete grade 11 in another country and come to Quebec, you might have to redo grade 10.)


To get a secondary school diploma and enter cégep like a local applicant, you need to pass the following courses:

Sec 5: English, French, Math, Ethics/PE

Sec 4: Math, Science(ST or EST), History, Art/Music/Drama


You also need enough credits, but the school will usually take care of that.


St vs EST

ministrial exams!!




What are

In Quebec, there's a thing called a cégep. It is done after high school and before university. Basically, we take 1 year out of high school, and one year out of university -- and that's cegep!  

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English Cegeps in Montreal:
Dawson / Marianopolis / Vanier / John Abbott / Champlain St.Lambert

List of All cegeps:

Cégep in French?

As for the language of instruction in cegeps... nobody really knows. There is a new language law, Bill 96, that might affect cegeps. Keep posted. 

On how to Apply to Cegeps
I wrote a personal (biased) guide! 


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